Friday, May 20, 2011

Should I fight to keep my best friend's friendship? (Even if his ...

Question by kittenchick22: Should I fight to keep my best friend?s friendship? (Even if his wife has a problem with it)?
I am a female who has a male best friend. We?ve been friends for 6 years. We met before either of us got into serious relationships, who both turned into marriage. We never had any problems until I moved 2 hrs. away and would talk to him frequently on my lunch break at work. His wife started bringing me up in their arguments saying ?You give her advice, but when I want to talk you don?t listen to me!? So, since she would get upset he stopped bringing me up. Keep in mind that there is no emotional or physical attraction to each other, it is purely friendly conversation and giving each other advice. Well, she found out that we talked a lot from the phone bill and was upset. I decided to step out of their lives to give them time and space to work things out. I told her that I would never call again to calm her down. Three months have passed and I wanted to check in to see how they were doing. Plus, I wanted to share the news that I was expecting my first child. I called and left a message on their house phone without getting a response. I come to find out that she blocked my number and is upset that I called after I said I wasn?t. My question is: Should I drop the whole thing and disappear from their lives or should I have a right to fight for my friendship with my only best friend?

Best answer:

Answer by SSSSSS
Have some respect for the sanctity of marriage.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Tags:Best, even, fight, Friends, Friendship, Keep., problem, Should, Wife


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