Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ex: McCready not a fit mother, right now

By Courtney Hazlett

While Mindy McCready's whereabouts remain unknown, her ex-boyfriend Billy McKnight spoke exclusively to TODAY on Friday, telling Matt Lauer that he has touched base with the country singer.

"She sounded OK, she sounded upset with the situation," McKnight said. As for their 5-year-old son, who is currently in McCready's care despite an order to return him to his father in Florida, McKnight told Lauer, "My son sounded really well. He sounded OK, I think he misses me ... he did sound healthy and OK."

McCready's refusal to return her son violates a court order, and McKnight said that the singer seems unfazed by the gravity of the situation.

"I don't think (she understands). I think she believes she has a case and doesn't realize she's pushing her luck on this one."

Country singer Mindy McCready is now facing arrest in a custody dispute and ex-boyfriend Billy McKnight, the father of her son, tells TODAY's Matt Lauer that he doesn't "want her to hurt herself."

Despite McCready's drug and DUI arrests, suicide attempts, and time in jail for violating probation, McKnight was at first hesitant to call McCready an unfit mother.

"You know, we have gone through this in the past, and there's people out there who can help you, and if you can take that help you can get back on track," McKnight said. "I've been through it, I got back on track, my life is in order, I'm doing things right now. She has that opportunity. Instead of taking it, she chooses to abut it. I wish she would do what's right."

When pressed, McKnight did say that at this moment she was not fit, and would not be "until she completes the case plan," set forth.

As for McCready's allegations that her mother is abusing Zander, McKnight told Lauer, "I do not agree with that at all. He's a very healthy kid, a very happy kid. I have a great relationship with (McCready's) mother ... I've never seen anything that would lead me to believe that at all."

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