26-week Internet Marketing Plan Blueprint
Author: Massi Karimi
What is Social Media?
The latest buzz around the world is Social Media. Social media is basically a media outlet that you use to communicate through. The growth of social media has been exponential in the past 5 years. New websites with different features and interactive capabilities are being developed constantly. Technology savvy individuals are working towards the new Facebook and Twitter.
The main question that arises now is whether social media is a trend or fad?
The simple answer to that is that social media is a trend and not a fad. The growth and use of social media is becoming very important in today?s society. You use your Facebook and Twitter account to communicate with friends, colleagues, and family and much more.
New Trend in Social Media
The role they have established in our daily lives is becoming larger than ever. They can no longer be categorized as a stage for social interaction. The credibility and trust people have contributed to them has immensely helped their popularity. They can now be seen as media outlets that have become very informative. You can constantly receive information from newspapers, major conferences, and famous personalities. Information can be passed on instantaneously and to millions and millions of people.
In today?s global world, information is only as valuable as to the timing of it. There is no point of receiving important information when it doesn?t reach to you on time.
Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing is a new form of marketing that has catapulted as a result of social media. In simple terms, internet marketing is promoting your website, product, or services over the internet. It is one of the cheapest and highly effective forms of marketing.
Communication and networking are the critical success factors of any business. Build your strategy around internet marketing. When you have a solid base for communication with your customers, then decision making process for your company becomes faster. You will increase your company?s customer intimacy and be better to satisfy their changing needs. Satisfying the demand of your customers will lead to increased profitability. Use internet marketing as a competitive advantage for your company.
Latest Statistics
There are over 95 million Tweets per day, and 700 billion minutes per month being spent on Facebook. By establishing internet marketing as a part of your overall strategy you can market yourself to those statistics. Internet marketing is the gateway to success in the future.
Understanding the importance of these numbers and developing a sound strategy on how to take full advantage of them will set you and your company apart from others.
Social media is a trend with increasing role in our society. Internet marketing is helping small businesses and entrepreneurs that lack advertisement budget to compete with larger companies.
Internet marketing has increased competition between companies. Realizing the importance of internet marketing and how to use it to your advantage will set your company apart from others in the future. The sooner you are able to implement an internet marketing strategy in your company the sooner you will be able to reap the benefits.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/international-marketing-articles/trend-of-fad-social-media-internet-marketing-4404894.html
About the Author
Massi Karimi
Business Development & Marketing
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Source: http://giveawaylibrary.com/trend_of_fad_social_media__internet_marketing/
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