Tuesday, July 17, 2012

If Startups Can Be Built In Ghana, Africa, They Can Be Built In Cleveland, Ohio

clevelandThis is a guest post by Adam Jackson is a San Francisco-based serial entrepreneur and angel investor. He issues a rallying cry to get startups happening outside the Valley, using the methods used in the developing world. You can find him on twitter at @adamjacksonsf. When you are a busy founder, startup executive or tech investor, life is all about focusing on the activities that provide the most leverage toward achieving your objectives. As Tim Ferriss has taught us, anything that isn?t a leveraged activity should be outsourced. My recent trip to Ghana as a guest lecturer at the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST) got me thinking about how we entrepreneurs and tech investors could best leverage our time when it comes to giving back to the startup community and society in general. I hope to someday be able to financially impact a community to the extent that they name a hospital after me, but until then, it will have to be more leveraged, time-based activities.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/d1-Fug5u3WE/

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