Saturday, October 6, 2012

Two suggestions but i would need some help! :)

Back again to the interest checks chaps! how many suggestions have i made already? well nd itsthere was the Roman idea which i did not do because of lack of time and being part of a similar roleplay and a few others not very developed ideas which i may use in the future but for now i shall put them aside.

Well I have two ideas at the moment which i plan to develop into roleplays; one i have developed for many years, not as a roleplay but as a hobby and the other one which i have given some thought during the past few months until gaining the vision for it from reading on Japan's history and its interactions with the western "barbarians".

The first is an idea which has long fascinated me since i was quite young; the development of an entire people and culture from scratch.

When i was about 7 or 8 years old my father introduced me to a film called "atomic cafe" which told the story of cold war propaganda in the united states. The film had direct and indirect effects on me but the one which bares the most importance in the idea i want to present is the thought of a new civilization forming out of the ashes of the old one.

This line of thought was soon cemented by me reading many classical novels such as Jules Verne who governed most of my early childhood reading and others who came later. One type of book which for years sparked the most enthusiasm within me was the island adventure which told the story of people getting stranded on islands and establishing a new community. Along with my developing tastes for science fiction, history and later for spiritualism and culture my thoughts on this matter grew quite complex as i created one civilization after another with maps, worlds, history, culture, art and even language.

This line of thought has given me the idea of making a roleplay about developing a civilization.

At first i wanted to do so ether in the way of the classic island tale, then i wanted to go more in the direction of post nuclear war but nether satisfied me alone until i combined them along with other things.

Now that i have made my line of thought clear i want to introduce you to the roleplay i have in mind:

What i have been thinking about lately is about a group of young individuals evacuated onto a starship which is sent outside the solar system as human civil war ravages the solar system now under the control of the Earth and humanity. those traveling on the ship are separated into two classes; those who chose to be frozen until arrival on a new world and those that chose to live out their lives unfrozen even if it means that it would be their children who reach the new world while day die before that day.

The ship experimental in nature and unprepared for the journey that lay ahead of it is unable to evade a meteor shower which cripples the ship and sends it far of course to its intended destination at its full now uncontrollable speed which is near light speed thanks to its photon driven solar sails and anti matter accelerator.

Some sections holding the frozen individuals of the passengers are damaged leaving their occupants dead, many of the life support systems and residential areas for those unfrozen passengers are also damaged however the damage in this case is far worse and only a lucky few in residential area 46 remain alive. While the ship losses most of its human cargo it losses less so of its ability to produce energy or its supplies, the freezing sections thanks to damage become inaccessible to the unfrozen passengers however the adapting AI intelligence controlling the ship soon gets over its teething troubles and thanks to much more usable energy assigns the frozen passengers greater and more beneficial care leading to fewer mortality rates among the frozen passengers and higher quality once they wake up.

The unfrozen loss mouths to feed and gain many more supplies in the disaster however these benefits are not on the minds of the survivors of the disaster and nor will they be to their decedents.

The residential sections of the unfrozen suffer the most damage and even area 46 hardly functions at all, the AI is unable to aid its occupants directly due to the failure of most of his systems there and thus they are forced to handle matters by themselves. The unfrozen passengers establish a strict system of rationing, labor and control which permits very few personal liberties as more and more hands are needed to work the atrificial farms once the food supplies run out in the seemingly infinite voyage.

As the ship drifts away during the next few hundred years it passes into a slumber as more and more systems are shut down by systems failure due to the decay of time. slowly the frozen passengers begin to die as the systems which keep them alive fail and the unfrozen passengers begin to suffer from crop failure and the effects of interbreeding.

As the ship AI finds itself on its last few backup systems it identifies a twin sunned solar system with promising results for life baring planets. With the knowledge that nether the humans or the ship will survive another journey in the void between stars the AI uses all the remaining anti matter to propel the ship towards the star system.

As the ship enters orbit around the most promising planet the AI knows that due to the damage the ship sustained in the meteor hit hundreds of years ago at the start of its journey that i can't use the pods created to carry the humans down to planet and instead crash lands the spaceship unto the planet.

Many are killed however some survive and they both the frozen and unfrozen find themselves on an alien world.

i will post my other idea in another post.


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