There are lots of great flight search tools for finding a ticket based on the lowest price and your schedule, but if you also care about your comfort and helpful amenities like Wi-Fi and in-seat entertainment, Routehappy will find you the best quality flights.
Enter your flight details as you would any other similar site. (It's one-way only, though, so if you need a return trip, you need to search for that portion as well.) In the search results, Routehappy lists flights sorted by a unique happiness rating, which is a combination of several factors, including plane quality, seat roominess, flyer ratings, on-time arrival, and more.
You can filter the results to your exact needs (e.g., if you must have Wi-Fi or prefer a late departure). When you've found the one that will make you happiest (as far as these things go), click on the details to get the flight number and be taken to the airline or another travel site for purchasing.
Routehappy is similar to Hipmunk's agony measurement, except instead of focusing on price, duration, and stops, Routehappy focuses on the best travel experience.
It's too bad the site doesn't display prices along with the results?for that you'll have to use another flight search tool like Hipmunk or Kayak. Still, Routehappy can complement these tools to find you the best flight experience.
Routehappy | via Australian Business Traveller
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