As you may know, deciding who you want to work with is not as easy as it sounds. You all have seen me change my message a few times. ?I realize that this makes people uncomfortable and less likely to trust me. ?But as crazy as this sounds, I?m willing to take that risk because as much as I may alienate some of you, I yearn to really connect with those nurses who feel like I do:
- You hate working in a traditional clinical setting
- You hate not being able to express your ideas for prevention & getting healthier naturally
- You hate med passes (you feel like it is not in alignment with your beliefs)
- You are tired of working as a nurse in your current setting?and running around to do what you love as a fitness professional (but, no time to develop and implement your dream)
- You love movement and following a plan that you live by and want to promote it to help heal others
And my movement & vision:
To get every person with a diagnosis or ?medical label?
to worship & move in their body, regardless of prognosis
or age.? This is done through community, connection
and compassionate guidance to promote independence
and freedom from long term medication use.
To try and define, market and create ?real? substance a new field/ profession (not just stick two words together) and find the ?right? nurses take it into the scary world of working for yourself, is not an easy task. ?What I?ve learned is that it?s not enough to just want to call yourself a ?Fitness Nurse?. ?You have to perform duties as one. ?Get your clients they want from you as a nurse with a specialty in fitness. ?But what are those duties? ?What distinguishes you from other fitness professionals, really? ?I know my answer. ?Do you know yours?
One problem with this is, and I speak from experience, if you are working in the fitness profession, you don?t feel like a nurse and that title?fitness nurse? is not respected among people who are there for usually vanity reasons. ?They may have concerns about their health too, but? They don?t necessarily want others to know that they have to see the ?Fitness Nurse? when everybody else is killing themselves in body pump and ass-kicking bootcamps. ?Yes, people DO CARE what others think in a gym. ?Heck, they care what their neighbors think when they are walking through their neighborhood.
Now this is not to say that people with health concerns can?t do bootcamps, but the majority of people who you can help the most by combining your skills aren?t in the gym. ?Or they have stopped going, probably for the reasons many stop going? Too much, too soon and they?ve become what I call an exercise casualty; and/or no results because of high expectations of results. ?This usually comes from not getting to the root of their (client) problem, not enough personal guidance? a poor assessment from the beginning of who?s training them. ?(mental & physical)
This is why, until ?fitness nursing? is fully out there and in demand, we need to promote ?that program?, that we have inside of us, that we know can help heal people, specifically, specific problems. ?The nurses who want to do this have to have the hunger and the drive to do so. This is very much needed or we are just going to be teaching group exercise with our nursing license in our back pockets?. not recognized for our skills in fitness AND nursing. ?If you love teaching group exercise and being a personal trainer, I?m happy for you? don?t ever stop doing what you love. ?But if you want to utilize your nursing skills and get compensated for them too, please read on?
On Thursday, January 31st, Kevin Ross, RN, BSN, of Innovative Nurse and I will be speaking on the 5 P?s, via a webinar, of becoming a Fitness Nurse Consultant?:
- The Promise ? What we will do to support you & get you results.
- The People ? Who this is for & who is it not for.
- The Problem ? Why what you are currently doing is not working.
- The Pathway ? How to start and pull in all your skills to deliver your signature fitness nursing program in a 6-step process.
- The Plan ? You will be given steps to take right away that are no cost and will help you decide if you want to continue developing your own fitness nursing program and making your own money offering it to specific people who need and want your services.
To call in (206) 402-0100, code: 704896#
Encore presentation on February 1st, 11am EST, 8am PST
same number & code
Make a difference with BOTH of your skills (and other skills too, like coaching and assessment, medication management and speaking)
Till then
Yours in Fitness & Nursing,
John Witherspoon george michael usain bolt Closing Ceremony London 2012 Tom Daley Leryn Franco The Campaign
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