Thursday, May 2, 2013


Hello everyone!
I am Bree which makes me awesome. (:

I've been rolepalying since I figured out how to use the internet, which was roughly 2001. That makes me really old but really awesome too. I've done text roleplay over the internet since 2001, I got into table top roleplay gaming in 2003, and I've been going ever since! I've taken a few creative writing classes and I frequently table top game with my friends but it has been a while since I have text roleplayed. I missed it and decided I needed to get my roleplay back on!

That being said, I'm looking for a new home for my roleplay! I used to be really active in the Proboard roleplay community when that was a thing... But that has died out sadly. I've looked around on other sites like or Tumblr and that's not my cup of tea. I want "multi-para" or "novella" roleplay, not "chats". I don't want to just send gifs and one line of text back and forth. I want something more substantial than that.

The stuff I am interested in roleplaying is pretty general. Harry Potter (the trio's era, maybe Marauders, but definitely no future), slice of life (high school, college, cities, real life situations, rock bands, etc), and whatever movie I feel like I can manage, whatever book I feel like I can manage, and whatever anime/manga I feel like I can manage. Really, fantasy is a thing I could do if the plot sounded awesome enough... I'm open to most things.

To end on a personal note, it's time to learn about Bree! To put all my experience in perspective, I am twenty three years old and still in college... I have two years to go for my bachelors! I play quidditch on my college team (I'm a chaser), I am an art school drop out, and now I concern myself with the well being of mankind and making sure that everyone turns out okay. I'm a true to the core Hufflepuff and really love making friends and doing things that are creative; I still make art on my own, regardless of dropping out of art school. I really love to sleep, I really love to play quidditch, and I just really love being me in general.

Now it's your turn!
Who are you? Let's be friends. (:


Taken 2 Venezuela Elections Skyfall Chicago Marathon 2012 texas rangers steve jobs meningitis

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