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niceee. FYL
I say you charge in there, and demand some chocolate for your troubles, chocolate solves everything!
Chocolate will solve nothing, but a pistol... that would help....
Help how? By sending her to jail?
I say you go fuck up this 3 year anniversary. It's the least you could do for his loving wife.
#57 - On 07/09/2011 at 2:49pm by qzzpm07
Happiness. It's only a teardrop away.
*6 month anniversary of cluelessness
#69 - On 07/09/2011 at 2:59pm by MC18
What, were you not invited?
Look at it this way OP, you only wasted 6 months of your life, the wife wasted 3 years!
Well said 104. But seriously op, how did you not figure this out after 6 months?
Today, is the day you slap him and break up with him.
Plan a threesome with the wife. Get a nice hotel and then get them nice and drunk. Tie up the dude and super glue his d*CK to his stomach.
Mensiversary would be the correct term... Latin for month is mensis.
I agree with 157, it wouldn't be an anniversary if only months have passed.
i've always heard monthsary.
Needless to say, go celebrate that you're single now since you dumped him, seriously, run away.
I agree with screwie. though I have to say that it is guys like that that make the rest of us look really good!!
You should just join them on their anniversary. Don't dump him
Yeah, some guys have common decency in them. Instead, this dude will soon have your weapon of choice in him.
They should all celebrate together!!! Sounds fun!
#76 - On 07/09/2011 at 3:13pm by OWNZ
I see a problem. OP has no idea what an anniversary is. Anniversaries are annual, not monthly. There are no such things as "3 month" and "6 month" anniversaries. "Annus" = year.
I see a different problem. OP has no idea what an Anniversary is. They are annual, not monthly. "Annus" = year.
Ya killin me here!!
totally. why are men such pigs?
ok, not all men...I'm not defending them, some men in fact are pigs and makes us, the few good ones, look bad.- its not fair to generalize...
All men aren't pigs. And from my experience, a man will only fuck you over if you let him. If you want to meet a nice guy, dress differently, stop going to night clubs and stop being attracted to guys just because they're 'badass'.
I say this as a rule, of course - I have no idea what you're like :)
next year will be the one year anniversary of you killing him
awh. let's hope as soon as you found out you ended it/:
It took six months to find out he was married? Come on now.
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u made me laugh so hard! This is a good one!
#151 - On 07/09/2011 at 6:54pm by volley4eva1698
wow.!!! FAIL!
hes a jerk hit him in the balls tht would teach him a thing or two
#12 - On 07/09/2011 at 2:02pm by loverBall
a swift kick to the balls solves a lot of things... especially in this case maybe after that you should bitch slap him a time or two :)
#27 - On 07/09/2011 at 2:14pm by N0dA
ahahahahaha that sucks for you!! well maybe you should know that if you've been dating 6 months? it's gotta be hard for him to keep that secret...are u guys like never around?
maybe he was with her more than the wife. and the wife thought he was cheating but chose not to believe it.
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it's always about dumping ain't it? Something tells me you haven't been in a relationship that's lasted longer than a month. OP, just fund out why he's doing it and if the reasons good enough you can borrow my shotgun.
Ok, 118, I can see where you're coming from. Maybe he has a good reason for cheating on his wife (unlikely). But there is
never a good reason for lying or keeping a secret from your girlfriend or spouse. It shows a complete lack of respect, and for that, he deserves to be dumped.
118 something tells me your kind of a jackass if you believe that there could actually be good reasons for cheating and lying to women.
I completely agree with 171 & 180. Personally, a girl like me will not accept a lie as big as that. Having a boyfriend who is actually married is just unacceptable, no matter how good his reasons are. But I doubt so.
how could you not know that ? there had to be warning signs, come on now
atleast you only waisted six months. his wife has three years waisted on this asshole. fuck her life.
oh shit, you're right. thankyou. major brain fart today.
Hot beans?
#138 - On 07/09/2011 at 5:54pm by TheRealHouse
u ever thought about going on cheaters?
think about it his life will be fucked over. his wife will leave you'll leave him, his ass will be exposed like dog nuts on national t.v.
6 month anniversary? that doesnt exist
#26 - On 07/09/2011 at 2:12pm by esedude
It's 0.5 Anniversaries
anniversaries are yearly sooo 6 months wouldn't be considered an anniversary
If you're going to complain about something, complain about the terrible grammar in this FML. Not the nearly universally accepted concept of a one-, three-, or six-month anniversary.
Or, if you want to be really annoying, make up your own word for it, like "lunaversary", and then complain when people don't know what you're talking about.
Oh I'm sorry, I forgot the whole world has found it acceptable to be ignorant.
what does that comment have to do with this FML?lol are you calling the husband a dog or what...?lol
A bark off of a tree. Duh.
I bet it now makes sense why he only wanted to do it at your place.
F the wife's life. Your life will be fine once you move on, she's the only that will deal with a cheating husband. There's probably others like you.
this is really the only comment worth thumbing
Oops, I meant to write *one* not only. Damn! I mess up a lot! Lol
maybe he is a Moorman? :)
did he never wear a ring?
He could be like Adam Sandler's character on Just Go With It, using the ring to get women, and saying his wife beats him, cheats on him, etc. (: But OP, I'm sorry. :( what a prick.
"Next month is my three year anniversary with my husband. I just found out today is his six month anniversary with his girlfriend. FML."
Get a grip here. You're no the one who's life is f'ed. You'll be fine. The woman he cheated on, however, is f'ed.
that still sucks for her. six months is enough time to fall for someone and to find out you were the other girl would suck. f both the women's lives.
at least you weren't the one married to him
You didn't find it strange that in 6 months you haven't been invited to his place?
6months for u to find out he's merry really.???? FYL
Of course he's merry! He's got two women!!
The wife is the one that should be saying FML. I hope you tell her so she can divorce that douchebag.
"An anniversary is a day that commemorates and/or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same day of the year as the initial event."
1) 6 months is not an anniversary. In the large scale of life, it is a relatively small amount of time. While I understand your predicament, get over it.
2) You are not the wife. You are the sideshow. Neither of you have any sort of legal binding. Once again, get over it.
#46 - On 07/09/2011 at 2:35pm by Perdition
It's still enough time to hurt her. Get over yourself. It sucks more for the wife but still sucks for her too.
you said what i was getting ready to say. it's said so often, too. hell, the word itself is a dead giveaway that it's a yearly thing. :/
|the kid|
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Thankyou, 46 and 84. Someone needed to say this without being a douchebag about it. It shits me to no end when my friends talk about their 'one month anniversary'. Err, what?
i suggest telling him you're married too and see what he thinks about that..
i'm pretty sure that will solve absolutely nothing.
|the kid|
Yes, because the mature and responsible thing to do when you're in a crisis like this is to add insult to injury. If you seriously think trying to get back at someone for something they did, is right, then you're going to lead a very sad life. Any mature and responsible person would've have left his sorry ass, and walked away from the situation. Apparently, we have someone on here who just likes stirring shit up. Moron.
Well to be fair, she's 15. Sometimes I think FML needs age restrictions.
haha ydi, your fault for being mistress
She didn't know! It's her fault because he lied to her?
i'd video tape your next sweat session with him and then send it to his wife as an Anniversary gift.
I think you should go to his house and say hi to his wife
do you even know what the word "anniversary" means? ydi for being an idiot.
you obviously don't know what it means.
#185 - On 07/10/2011 at 12:25am by Salvikidd
after 3 months you really didn't know?! -really?! women are naive. you were fooling yourself, you knew. get over it, move on.
how did you not know he was married?? what a jerk off
wow.... really lady start checking who your dating
To all you people saying why didn't OP know the guy was married: It's not like the guy told OP that he was married, this was her first time finding out, making it an even shittier situation. If OP had knew prior to today about the man's wife, then I would say fuck OP, she's a bitch for stealing the man from his family. But if not, then F both women's lives, they're both suffering from the man's cheating ways.
I'll find him a take care of him for ya
dis guy play girls just like jimi hendroix played the guitar
o dddddd, damn that's rough
hey dumbass the word anniversary derives from the Latin word for year. you sound like an idiot saying "6 month anniversary".
I really hate when people call every month that they're dating an "anniversary"... it's not a fucking anniversary. When it comes to relationships... anniversaries are to represent a marriage and celebrate their marriage, not of just them being together as a couple. I never celebrate "anniversaries" when I'm with my boyfriend because they're non existent b/c there's no commitment to celebrate. I only celebrated anniversaries when I was married because that's the whole point of the anniversary. Also... it is NOT an anniversary if the claimed anniversary is in a different month regardless of the date... you call Canada Day on July 1st an anniversary and July 4th because it's on the same day every year. Besides... I don't feel sorry for you.. it's easy to tell if a man is married or not.
So you and your boyfriend have no commitment to one another? That's kind of sad, if you've been together long enough to have anniversaries to not celebrate. Some people, however (this doesn't apply to six month anniversaries, just your sentiment), have long-term committed relationships with someone they aren't married to, and want to celebrate the fact that they've been together for 3 or 5 or 10 years.
And how exactly is it easy to tell if a man is married? Married men look the same as unmarried men. They dress the same. You can't tell from how they act, because that's dependent on the person, not their marital status. If he tells his wife he's going out of town on business, he could easily be spending lots of nights away from her, or possibly even has his own apartment. If you're dating a guy with no wedding band, with his own "bachelor pad," are you going to assume he's married? Please share your brilliant, fool-proof way to tell. Lots of accidental "other women" would love to know, I'm sure.
no it's not slut. your getting cheated on right now
why should anybody feel sorry for this chick? it's the wife that should you be feeling sorry for. this chick needs to get over it. so what if she wasted six months, so did the wife and probably many more. you're story isn't the only one, so gtfoi. there are plenty of other guys.
suckkks! but i think anybody with a brain would be able to figure out that there was something suspicious about him
send them a card... signed "your girlfriend _____"
ouch. does he wear his wedding ring around you? cause if he does, you were stupid not to notice
First of all, anniversaries come once a year. Once. A. Year. Second, how the fuck did he hide that from you? You're doofy enough to celebrate half anniversaries but you never visit his house?
most likely celebrated/recognized monthly
After a while you are as much or more at fault for not being more inquisitive about his life. He must like women that are clueless. It doesn't mean that he isn't a cheating liar and should suffer some consequences for his actions. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and move on with your life. Forget the money, cause I have a feeling that was the main reason you were with him, and find true love!
money? lol. guys don't cheat for money? I'm pretty sure cheating long term like he was, was costing him money. I have a feeling sex is why he was with her
I would tend to think that tell-tell signs would be present, but if one is interested in another it is so easy to overlook and ignore all these signs, it is easy to say that she is an idiot, or should have suspected something is up, but most likely she was seeing with her heart and not her eyes or brain. She needs to learn from this mistake and move on
tell the wife and get back at the douche together
omg!!! cheater!! id dump this looser
don't go out with a married man. Home wrecker!
so he is cheating with both of you. you should move on with other guy.
something similar happened to me. FYL OP
maybe it's the way you dress. Just saying.
damn y'all be nice!!! there are good guys out there that will pull out chairs and open doors AND stay faithful! it hurts bit maybe I'n a few months you and the wife can search together? or b lesbians together And not have to worry about it ;)
you dated the married cheater, you deserve it. maybe next time you should take the time to figure out if the guy is married first
dump his ass the 2 timing basterd
@ 116; Yeah. Be that chick who follows him around everywhere and calls him asking what he's doing 24/7 to check if he's cheating. You'll get far in a relationship that way.
Am I the only one who realizes anniversary means year
you must not have him on Facebook.
he played in both way and didnt even told you that he married already
a liar and somewhat
#129 - On 07/09/2011 at 5:32pm by solikqueen12
awww shit. breakup with him FUCK YEAH!
damn did u dumped him or still with him
Ydi for being with someone who's already in a relationship :P
Well u know...iv alwayse wanted to try a threesom!
I'm sorry. I've been there. betrayed by a scum bag.
For some people an anniversary celabrates how long they have been together. It's not a yearly thing for them. Realise that some people are different. Damn. Get over it.
what is OP going to buy him and his wife for the anniversary? :D divorce papers :)
trash the anniversary..... with fire :D
leave his ass!!! your no third wheel.
it's your parents, they are secretly destroying it in the middle of your sleep
sounds like my husband... our three year is next month and i've caught him before.
That's so cruel of him! T^T
damn what a dick! please tell me you left that foo's ass
#174 - On 07/09/2011 at 10:04pm by Yessyy
wow what an asshole!! well congrats on being single!!
Well I hope this is your 6th and final month with that jerk.
ohhhh fyl!!!
#178 - On 07/09/2011 at 11:37pm by lostintime94
yeah I feel sorry for the poor wife not
Broski, anniversary means year, so, a 6 month anniversary doesn't exist. However, that does indeed suck.
don't get with married men -_- u totally deserved it!
there is no such thing as a 6 month anniversary
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