Network marketing is like anything else in life that you want to achieve success with. A coach will short cut your journey to the top. That is if you really do want to get to the top of this industry.
It makes no difference if you are at the top of your game or just getting started, having a coach will help you do incredible things.
If a guy like Michael Jordan had a coach all through his career, what makes you and I think we are any different. If you want success do what successful people do.
Ok I am done trying to convince you that you need a coach. I have built the type of income you want in this business of network marketing and I myself have mentors and coaches. So lets now get into how you go about getting the right coach.
In the end you need to analyze what existing skills you have already, what skills are need to get you to where you want to go, and which ones you need to work on.
However I am going to stop for a minute and say something here. I will get straight to the point.
Just because your upline is your upline does not mean they should be your MLM coach no matter what they tell you. If they are not living the lifestyle you want. If they have not created the size of residual income check you want then do not listen to them as your coach!
Whoa whoa whoa? what am I saying? I am sure I am shocking the world with this one. Do not talk trash about your upline for pete?s sake, they are untouchable!
And if most people are taught that they should listen to their upline, and if most people fail to make a red cent in this business. What does that tell you? Maybe just maybe their upline is leading the astray?
Making it to the top of anything, requires you learning from someone who knows how to get you there, because they themselves were once in your shoes and made it to the top.
Alright, lets look at how to choose a mlm leader, trainer, or coach to learn from. If you are need of getting better at warm market or old school activities find someone who has built their business that way.
However if you desire to harness the power of the net to build a large downline, by using the attraction marketing or funded proposal systems or the social media sites like Max Steingart trains on, you will need to go find a leader who has built one for themselves and created great success from it.
Personally I think you should find someone who can teach you to recruit using both methods. They both work great and you need to be able to work with your team in what ever areas they want to recruit with.
In my course I reveal to networkers how leaders such as Max Steingart sponsor in a big fashion!. Unique version for reprint here: A Home Based Business Coach.
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