Created by OnePlusYou Blog Roll Notes
As of March 20, 2010, I went through my longer blogroll and deleted links that no longer work. Be advised that some blogs have not been updated and others have been moved, but you can get to the new address via the old one. I've read and visited all of these sites at one time or another. However, I've decided to post a separate list of those blogs which I read regularly (some daily, others periodically).
My list of my regular reads Humor
Fail Blog
Link Dump
3 Quarks Daily Links to Interesting Articles.
Politics Politics Analysis via Statistcs
Robert Reich Mostly economic policy issues
Alan Colmes Liberalland
Paul Krugman Mostly economic policy issues
Democratic Convention Watch Democratic Politics
Dick Morris Conservative Republican (populist) politics
Sagacity: personal blog (Democratic)
Peoria Pundit Mostly Peoria area politics and issues
Millard Fillmore's Bathtub Social issues, general interest
Brother Peacemaker Social issues; often African American issues
Trends by Mindbridge Current events; detailed entries.
Edge of the American WestHistory, some politcs, some social issues
Civil Liberties and Security
Legal Satyricon First Amendment Issues and Law
Schneier Securty Blog Security issues, some codes/ciphers
Friendly Atheist
Proud Atheists
Miranda Celest Hale's blog Rationalism; literature also
Science Avenger Pro-rationalism
Science (some of these deal with religious issues as well)
Richard Dawkins Science and Reason
Recursivity Mathematics and Rationalism
SandwalkEvolution, science and rationalism
Conservation Report Nature, environment, some politics
Cosmic Variance Physics and Cosmology
Mano Singham Science (physicis), science/rationalism
PharyngulaEvolution, atheism, rationalism
AnthropologyAnthropology, human evolution
Why Evolution is True science, rationalism
Doctor Andy Science and medicine; some social issues, some endurance sports
Nikkie's Nest Anti Racism
Right Wing Watch
Rate Your Students Where professors blow off steam
Personal (endurance athletes)
Tammy Racewalker, up to marathon
Damon Ultrarunner
Wild Celtic Rose Artist and triathlete (photos)
Ray Racewalker, ultra walker
Poe (satire)
Note: very rough language; not for the sensitive or for the easily offended:
Republican Faith Chat
The Good Kentuckian
Girls in Yoga Pants
Volleyball photos (women)
amanda knox herman cain halloween costumes heather locklear diana nyad diana nyad lsu football
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