Monday, September 5, 2011

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 7 - Society









If you have read the previous six posts in this series, regarding debt, deficit, financial crisis and U.S. credit downgrade by Standard and Poor's, I am sure you would agree, I was able to establish that we have been number one in the world for a long time, not because we do not pay taxes or because we do not regulate. We have been number one in the world because we built the world's first and greatest railroad system, of course with tax payers' money, that revolutionized the transportation and communication, firing up the greatest economic growth, world has ever experienced.

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We have been number one in the world because we built the world's greatest system of highways, roads and bridges, of course with tax payers money, which heavily supported our industry, businesses and agriculture, to a point at which no one could compete with us.

We have been number one in the world because we built, of course with tax payers' money, the world's largest and most extensive network of airports, which did not only greatly supported our own aircraft manufacturing, airline industry and everyone involved in it, but, also added great value to the transportation of products and service providers.

We have been number in the world because we build, of course with tax payers money, world's greatest network of seaports, revolutionizing the transport of goods and leisure travel. We have been number one in the world because we built and encouraged, of course with tax payers money, the world's greatest and most extensive television, radio, newspaper, magazine and website networks. This world greatest transport and communication system (commonly known as infra-structure), mostly built by tax payers money, made it impossible for anyone in the world to compete with us.

We have been number one because we built and ran, of course with tax payers money, an educational system that was number one education system in the world for a long time. It provided us an unending supply of the workers, professionals and experts who always stayed at the top of global competition.

We have been number one in the world because we developed the world's greatest universities and research institutes mostly built or funded by tax payers money. That was the reason, why the greatest creations, inventions and innovations mostly came originated in America. We always had a huge competitive advantage on every one else because we mostly hold the patents for most expensive and advanced products and no cheap manufacturing country could ever beat us.

We have been number one in the world because taxpayers paid for greatest law enforcement and superiority of law in America became a proverb around the world, and safety and security of American citizens and capital have always been superior compared to any other country in the world. We have been number one in the world because tax payers supported the greatest justice system in the world. This system, contrary to many countries in the world, guaranteed justice for everyone. We have been number one in the world because hard working and most efficient tax payers of America paid for the world's first and greatest democracy. While we had occasional ups and down in performance of our government, legislature and government institutions, we mostly have had very honest, hard working and dedicated government, primarily because it was very well funded by tax payers. We have been number one in the world because we had God's mercy on us. The reason for it was our nation and country's commitment to a very good care of neighbors, poor, sick, disabled and kids, not only among us but also around the world, mostly through generous welfare and aid programs funded by tax payers.

We have been number in the world because we have always rewarded hard work, innovation and creativity. We have guaranteed equal opportunities and mostly eliminated discrimination. This was mostly made possible by regulations funded by tax payers.

We have been number one in the world because we did the most revolutionary inventions like commercial manufacturing of automobiles, airplanes, light bulb, computers and public access to Internet, to name just a few, out of millions. This was mostly made possible by elimination of class system, to some extent, and providing every one a plain and leveled field. We see tax dollars and regulations playing a big role there, too.

We have been number one in the world because we built world's greatest companies like Ford and Chrysler, Boeing, GE, IBM, and Microsoft and Google, to name just a few out of numerous. These companies did not only help us in maintaining our dominance, but, also provided work environment and jobs that people around the world could only dream of. We know that working conditions in American companies have not this good from beginning. Labor laws, paid for by tax payers, and labor unions played a revolutionary role in bringing working environment in our country to a nearly ideal level, specially in best companies to work for.

Hence, the basic and most decisive difference between most other countries and us is that we have an infra -structure and system, mostly supported by tax payers and regulations, that guarantees the success and smooth operation of businesses. The biggest problems that most under developed and developing countries face, on their way to development and growth, are corruption, lake of equal opportunities and access, bad or non-existing infra-structure, lake or absence of reliable and fast means of transportation and communication, lake or unavailability of funding, and poor education and information. Traditionally we have always had an edge on all of these important pillars of growth and development and we kept growing and leading the world until we kept an edge in all these important factors of growth. As we are losing our edge on these absolutely necessary requirements for growth and development, we are losing are leadership in the world, really fast.

To regain the control, we must guarantee the access to capital for all small businesses, overhaul our education system, and support for research and development, eliminate rising corruption and inefficiency in government and restore the leveled and plain field for everyone. This cannot be done unless we revert the rapidly growing influence of corporations and lobbies over government and elections process.


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