Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Remnants: High Fantasy gone wrong

The remnants:

Creation is shifting.
The wind whispers it
The earth trembles to it
The water wails it
The fire shows it

It began decades ago, when Dancal was awakened and an age of darkness and damnation arrived
He coerced the orc kingdoms to assist him, spread the dark lore to form cabals of necromancers, rallied the lonely trolls to a single great Chieftan, bought the Reezan legions with foul gold from his vaults, promised the neglected elf prince a chance to win back his throne and tempted the human tribes of Viranim with tales of riches and pillage.
With such force amassed none could stand his nefarious advances in a land divided by indifference and apathy... one by one they fell

Yet there was one who rallied them

A great magus Luad contacted important figures from each of the races to unite and fight this advance
An orc king who had tasted foul from Dancal and rose to stop his previous master and save his race from damnation
An elven councilor who wished to start a republic and end the royal tradition once and for all
A dwarf champion to shatter the ignorance of the dwarves and involve them on the outside world
And a human leader from the Pranti steeps to guide his people to a world in which they would be protagonists, not victims

With this companions behind him the magus led his own apprentices and allies against Dancal, battle after battle some in defeat others in victory but all contributed to the fall of the great foe
With the troll chieftain slain his horde dissipated.
Having overturned royalty the prince now had retreated his support and gone into hidding
The Viranim tribes not accustomed to have a fighting adversary routed once the allied advance threatened their master and retreated to their homelands
Opportunistic as ever the necromancers betrayed their dark lord and gave information and sabotaging crucial to Dancal?s defeat in exchange for forgiveness
Only the Reezan legions, true to their contract, stood with their employer till the bitter end and paid a bloody toll due to their honor.

It seemed then, that a new age of justice and prosperity would follow and it is so often that some live to see their dreams turn into nightmares.

Without a central head of its state the elven republic soon erupted into a civil war with senators and councilors fighting each other over the course their society should take.
Having been lied to, the orcish king severed ties with the alliance after the promise to show mercy to his brothers was twisted as the mercy of death
With a new world to explore the dwarfs stopped at nothing to mine and gather their precious stones, a sea of greedy and stout miners flooded the continent never taking no as an answer
The Pranti, having learned much from the elves, dwarves and orcs had become an expansionist empire that swept the land against evil doers with their Paladins and its borders continued to grow
And the great magus Luad... simply vanished from history.

Yet... their leader might have been sealed away, but the remnants prevail even to this day, we have not forgotten even if the world has forgotten us

One at a time great champions that show promise are being called by the sorceress, the time of darkness is at hand

So pretty much what happens after the good guys win in fantasy, but corrupted to match human decency.

Why should I care?

Indeed why should you, there are other fantasy RPs out there im certain but I aim to give it a darktwist and see the "good" races as the bad guys here, after all horror can be attained when the powerful have only morality to constrain them.

I plan to have an adventure in which the group is on the lookout from terrible paladins, Machiavellian elves, kleptomaniac dwarves and hostile humans

What is required of me?

Right now nothing but your interest, but I like my roleplays to have some illusion of depth, I dont want murderhobos that are out to it just for the evulz, I want characters that have layers to them, they would be the root of all evil by the superior powers at the moment but they must have more than that, sure some humans like to burn and pillage but they also have a desire to protect, some elves might be grim in their means but they do so only because they had their position stolen out from them, the Reezan might be the darkest villains but they are professionals who have never backed out from a contract.

I also would expect good grammar and posts that are in length according to the situation at hand, if the group is currently under attack or ambushed I would expect you to writte more than 4 sentences detailing what your character is thinking, what is he noticing, what is he doing?

If its going to be just dialog then I know, ive been in those positions where you can only give descriptions of your character interacting with his environment while holding a chat with another one, there is only so much one can do with a fork while talking to a king in a dinner

Cutting the chase

I am settled of the idea of a dark campaign but it is still on the works, I could add minotaurs or goblins or what have you if I feel that they fit into the setting, right now we all know the majority of what is needed from the races, the only ones that I have kindofcomeupwithbutnotreally are the Reezan, who are just lizardfolk with a fancy name to them

If people are interested in this kind of thing then I would like to build up a proper setting then, right now its just an idea in its infancy

Original image credit to highdarktemplar


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